Louisiana Channel is my favorite website. Of course sometimes they feature people who talks…. nonsense to me. But most times their videos are beautiful and inspiring. This week was a Japanese writer 村田紗耶香 Sayaka Murata. I liked her コンビニ人間 (2016) Convenient Store Woman (2018) a lot, but was disappointed with 地球星人 (2018) Earthlings (2020) – she might have thought that the set up was all strange and new but to me it was full of cliché. Her talk for Louisiana Channel was fun and interesting – she seems to be true to herself and have some fresh imaginations. But, I was bothered by her repeated use of the word, 子供の時から. I don’t know… I don’t like those narratives that find an origin of everything in one’s childhood. It also sounded like she wanted to emphasize that she was born differently from other people, naturally special/weird. Genius/prodigy complex?